H.T. Hackney Classes
Last week, the two classes held at H.T. Hackney celebrated the end of the course with food, certificates, and many photos. Over fifty employees attended class regularly, and everyone demonstrated measurable progress. The group will continue to study over the next two months, using Burlington English, and be ready to begin class again in February. Warren ACE is grateful to support H.T. Hackney and its employees through this partnership.
Career Ready Spotlight
The Indiana Business Journal recently featured Warren Adult Education's English class in its annual Career Ready Indiana edition. The article highlights the collaboration with workforce partner Dormakaba, shedding light on the innovative initiatives undertaken to prepare students for successful careers. Click here to read the article that can be found on pages 16-18.
Full of Thanks
The staff at Warren ACE continues to show their gratitude in this week's newsletter. November 18 - Battle of Vertieres Day (Haiti)
November 20 - Revolution Day Memorial (Mexico)
November 20 through November 24 - No Classes (Thanksgiving Holiday)
November 27 - Aviation Day (Venezuela)
December 11 &12 - ML Orientation
December 21 - Last Day of Classes before Winter Brea