New HSE Graduates
Warren Adult and Continuing Education would like to congratulate Lorena Bolanos, Divine Glenn, Angelo Allen, Macylee Sparks, and Dayanara Santamaria on achieving their goal of earning a High School Equivalency Diploma. These students reached their goal by passing the HiSETⓇ or GEDⓇ exams. Their instructor, John Shaw, looks forward to celebrating with them at graduation in June. "Success is a moving goalpost. You celebrate in those moments and then look at what's next." ~ Issa Rae
ML Program: 900 Enrollments and Climbing
The ML Program at Warren ACE is the largest English acquisition program in the state. This week, enrolled students who reached their educational goals moved to their new class. Students may have moved from a beginning-level class to an intermediate-level class, from an intermediate-level class to an advanced-level class, or into an ABE class. Next week, new students will join the current students and begin their journey. Warren is proud to support the students and the community.
CNA Class
The third CNA class started this week at Highlander Park, instructed by Priscilla Daniels. The students will attend class in the medical lab and then complete their clinical at Rosewalk. The program would like to welcome the new Director of Nursing, Traceyna Miller. She will facilitate the state testing for the students through Ivy Tech. This cohort will reach completion at the end of March. January 22 & 23 - ABE Orientation
February 3 - Legislative Forum
February 13 - Adult Education Day at the State House
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 19 - Presidents' Day (No Classes)