Athletic Announcements

Athletics Announcements for this Week

  • Attention to any 5th through 8th grade girl who wants to participate in girls golf this Fall. There will be a callout meeting on Monday, August 5, at 6 pm at Morningstar Golf Course. Please plan on attending to receive info for the season.
  • Volleyball tryouts, cheer tryouts, cross country practice and boys tennis practice will all begin after school on Monday, August 5. If you are planning to come to tryouts or practice next week, be sure to get your physical turned in. You will not be able to try out or practice without a current physical on file with the athletic director, Mr. Treesh. If you have any questions, students can see Mr. Treesh in the lunch room.
  • Tryouts for the Boys and Girls soccer teams begin on Monday, August 5, 2019 after school. This is open to all students grade 6-8 and meets Monday through Friday from 4-6:15PM. Athletes must have a current physical on file with the Athletic director to tryout. Athletes should have shin guards, a ball, and water for tryouts. Parents should pick up athletes at ESSA fields on German Church Road across from Creston. If you have questions, please ask Mr. Treesh, Mr. Peckham, or Mrs. Harris.