“The Penguin,” the highly anticipated sequel to Matt Reeves' “The Batman” from 2022, has finally reached the silver screen and does not disappoint. This new series, exclusively on Max, follows Oswald Cobb, also known as The Penguin, one of Gotham City’s most renowned crimelords, as he attempts to seize control of the entirety of organized crime in Gotham.
In April 2023, the announcement was made that “The Penguin” was beginning development. Now, more than a year and a half later, the show finally debuted on Sept. 19, 2024. The series is set to release an episode every Thursday, with its finale premiering on Nov. 10.
Starring Academy Award nominee Colin Farrell, this show is meant to build the world of a grounded Batman universe. Set in the immediate aftermath of “The Batman,” this series is meant to show viewers a side of Gotham City that they have never seen before.
“I think it's gonna add more depth with the crime syndicates and how this Gotham works,” junior Durell Martin said.
Before its release, critics praised this show, initially giving it an 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. Now after the release of the first episode, it has gone up to 94% and also received an audience score of 89%.
According to Screenrant, the first episode of the series sets the stage for what's to come. Picking up right where the Penguin left off at the end of “The Batman,” he prepares to use the chaos to his advantage and seize the power he so desperately wants.
The show then flash forwards a week later, showing how all of the poor areas of Gotham City have been destroyed while the rich areas and crime lords are prospering. This includes Alberto Falcone who, after the death of his father, Carmine Falcone, took over as head of the Falcone crime family.
Viewers are introduced to Alberto Falcone when Oswald breaks into the Iceberg Lounge, looking for anything from his former boss’s safe. He then encounters Alberto Falcone and they have a long, drawn out conversation about Falcone's plan to take the city, which eventually leads to Oswald murdering him. Leaving hastily after killing Alberto, he finds a group of teenagers trying to steal the rims off his car. He catches one, named Victor Aguilar, and recruits him as his henchman.
Later in the episode Oswald meets Sofia Falcone, also known as The Hangman, the Falcone Family serial killer, who was just released from Arkham Asylum. Oswald then pitches Alberto’s idea to Sofia as his own, in which she questions him about.
At the end of the episode, Sofia and her henchmen confront Oswald about the death of Alberto, but while they were interrogating him, the car holding Alberto’s body crashes into the lawn of the Falcone mansion. When they inspected the body and the vehicle they found clues, planted by Victor, that pointed the death of Alberto at someone else, saving Oswald from the wrath of Sofia.
With so much left in store for the remaining episodes of the series, anything could happen. Audiences are eagerly waiting for these episodes to drop every Sunday at 9 p.m. on Max to see how this story unfolds.