The newest installment in the “One Piece” series

     “One Piece” is the best-selling manga ever, having sold over 500 million copies since 1999. The storyline of the manga series is about a young pirate named Monkey D. Luffy, who sails the seas of the grand line to find the laughing tale. This island leads to Luffy completing his only dream, which is to get the one piece and become king of all the pirates. While on the voyage, his crew, which consists of Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook. These ten crew members are known as the Straw Hats. 

     The creator of the manga is Eiichiro Oda. Oda is so dedicated to his craft that he only sleeps three hours and routinely works 15-16 to create the panels of the manga. The manga was first published in 1997 by weekly “Shonen Jump '' and has since made 104 tankobon volumes as of right now. Oda said in a “Shonen Jump” interview, that he was heavily influenced by “Dragon Ball” and Akira Toriyama.

     In addition to the manga series, the franchise has also produced over 50 games since the year 2000. Some of the gaming titles are, “One Piece: Grand Adventure,” “One Piece: World Seeker,” and “One Piece: Pirates Carnival.” It is the most successful anime gaming franchise of all time.

     This new adventure starts with Luffy and the crew getting swallowed by a storm while at sea. They wake up and they are separated from one another on a mysterious island. This island is filled with nature, dangerous beasts, and dangerous locals. Luffy now has to find his friends and they will have to solve a huge mystery to get off the island. 

     The game revolves around character actions which is each member having a specific task that only they could do. An example of this is Chopper being able to get into small crevices or Luffy being able to get to high ledges. In this game, you fight using commands in battles. The commands are used to fight specific enemies that have three types which are power, speed, and technique. In battle, each crew member is placed in a different area and has to fight for their survival. Every character has a unique set of skills. For example, they can be used to damage multiple enemies. In battle, sometimes there will be dramatic scenes. These situations are used to gain experience points for the team.  

     This game will be one of the best anime games in 2023. The people that would like this game are ones who are fascinated by role-playing, adventurous, and strategy games. This game will be available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC via steam.