January 12, 2022
Good Afternoon Warren Students, Families, and Staff,
We have some important announcements for the week of January 12th.
We are continuing to see the impact of the Omicron variant on our student and staff attendance. When we first made the decision to move 5-12 students to eLearning, the majority of our staffing needs were at that level. Since that time, we are now experiencing an increase in staffing needs at all levels. As we continue to monitor our COVID data, our student attendance, and staffing needs, we will make every effort to communicate changes to our staff and families as soon as we can for all grade levels. Similar to our previous experiences with COVID, the data changes on a daily basis, making it very difficult to project where we will be in a few days. As we collect and analyze this week’s data, staff and families can expect to receive an update on Sunday, January 16th. Just a reminder that Monday, January 17th is a no school day in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
5-12 families impacted by the virtual learning this week can receive a breakfast and lunch distribution tomorrow, Thursday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at their home school. For example, WCHS students need to go to the high school during the window. Each location will have a roster of students to verify student enrollment at that location. I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience caused by regulations that we are being required to follow.
Families in need of hot spots or device support can access the help desk located at Moorhead Community Resource Center from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. or can submit a request through our parent support process, IncidentIQ, which is located on our website by clicking on Parent Remote Support under the Parents tab. Hot spots or devices pickup is available at MCRC or can be sent to the child’s school upon request of the parent in the ticket request.
Speaking of MCRC, tutoring for K-12 Math, Science, and English is now available at Moorhead Community Resource Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Students participating in tutoring should bring their device. Parents and caregivers do not need to stay with their child during the tutoring session. Snacks will be provided and if you have questions, please reach out to MCRC at 317-532-3854.
Families and caregivers, please remember if you have increased needs, you can reach out to your school’s Family Engagement Liaison, call our outreach hotline at 317-608-0545, or email at MSDWarrenOutreach@warren.k12.in.us with your request.
I think we can all agree that this is not how any of us wanted to start 2022. That being said, I appreciate the understanding and resiliency displayed by our staff, our students, and our families. We will continue to work together to get through this safely. Have a great rest of your week and stay healthy and safe!
Dr. Tim Hanson, Superintendent of Schools for MSD Warren Township