Important reminder: Each Friday, additional food will be shared to assist families for the weekend. The 9 locations will continue to offer meals Monday - Friday between 11 am - 1 pm (see image).
almost 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Food Outreach Locations
See updates and links about home internet access on our website:
almost 5 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Communication is more important than ever, we need your thoughts. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the following survey: English: Spanish:
almost 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Please note: MSD Warren Township will livestream a Virtual Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 on Thursday, March 19th at 2:00 PM at: Please tune in! #WarrenWill
almost 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Town Hall on COVID-19 Graphic
Students gathered around many tables to meet with and talk to WCC students. They learned about future opportunities when they get to high school.
almost 5 years ago, WCCALLBUSINESS
March 15 Update: All MSD Warren schools will be open Monday, 3.16 from 12-5 for staff and families to pick up personal items and medication. Schools will then be closed until further notice. Grab and go lunches are available at WCHS, 11-1, Door 1 Monday-Friday for kids 18 and under.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
Please note this reminder: On Monday, March 16th, all buildings will be open from noon to 5:00 PM for staff and families to come in and pick up what they need. Nurses will be at schools during this time if parents need to pick up medications or health items.
almost 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker.
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center
Here's a sneak peek of our latest student built Construction Trades home. The Open House is quickly approaching! #wccfollowyourpassion
almost 5 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Construction Trades Home
Construction Trades Home
Construction Trades Home
B. Miller promoting Banking and Finance along with other business courses.
almost 5 years ago, WCCALLBUSINESS
New vocabulary and creating four leaf clovers were some of the lesson topics today in education professions at Lakeside! #WCCFollowYourPassion #WarrenWill
almost 5 years ago, WCC_FCS
Student teaching vocabulary
Student teaching art
Amazing experience today with Creston during the WCC Road Show. Exciting to know we have such a bright group heading our way in a few years!
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center
Graphic Design
Computer Science
Collision Repair
12 WCC students have been selected to interview for the Nextech Catapult program -a yr. long immersive internship in the technology career path. Interviews are this Thursday and Friday. Good Luck to our AWESOME students as they prepare for this amazing opportunity.
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker.
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour this weekend! Daylight Saving Time 2020 begins on Sunday, March 8th!
almost 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
DST Spring Forward 2020
Students from Auto Service & Auto Collision Repair are putting what they've learned in class to the test. Passing the ASE test helps students by giving them a certificate they can use in the workforce AND it counts as a graduation requirement. #Warrenwill #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center
students testing for a certification
Thanks to Farmer's Insurance for donating this car to our Automotive programs! Our instructors use donations like these to simulate real world problems to train their students. #wccfollowyourpassion
almost 5 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Donated Car
He’s new to the position but not new to WCC! Welcome to the team Logan!
almost 5 years ago, WCCALLBUSINESS
Warren will provide students opportunities to explore future careers through course offerings, like education professions! #WCCFollowYourPassion #SayYestoFCS
almost 5 years ago, WCC_FCS
Cadet working with students.
Congrats to 12 WCC students who have been selected to apply for the 2020-2021 Eli Lilly ACOE internship. Candidates will be notified in mid March if they have been selected to interview. Lilly's ACOE program is highly competitive and the WCC is proud to be a part of it!
almost 5 years ago, Walker Career Center