Congrats to 7 students @WCHS_WCC in Josh Law’s Comp Sci class for acceptance into the Nextech Catapult program. Year long internship, WBL, career readiness and civic leadership opportunities…WOW!
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Dajanae, Ruby, Zecheriah
We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break ! We look forward to seeing you on Monday April 1st ! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Mary Jo Eberle
Women in Skilled Trades Camp Day 5/5 - CNC Machining today! @WCHS_WCC students working on 3D modeling and machining today! What a great way to finish the camp! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
3D modeling
3D modeling
Women in Skilled Trades Camp Day 4/5 - Engineering today! @WCHS_WCC students working on building robots today! Can’t wait to see the final day tomorrow! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Women in Skilled Trades Camp Day 3/5 - Electronics Technology today! @WCHS_WCC students working on creating circuits today! Can’t wait to see tomorrow! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Women in Skilled Trades Camp Day 2/5 - Automotive Technology today! @WCHS_WCC sophomore’s working on cars today! Check out the schedule! Can’t wait to see tomorrow! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Changing Oil
Changing Oil
Women in Skilled Trades Camp Day 1/5 - Precision Machine today! @WCHS_WCC sophomore’s started a one week spring break camp learning about careers in machining! Can’t wait to see tomorrow! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Milling 2
@WCHS_WCC students in Mr. Bupp’s Auto Tech class check out the latest vehicles from Tom Wood Ford. #Followyourpassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
@WCHS_WCC Students from JAG & Ms. Randall's PCC class attended Andre' Carson's Youth Opportunity Fair at the Central Library on Monday. Current student, Craig Shivers met @IndyMayorJoe during the fair. #wccfollowyourpassion #WeAretheKey
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Andre Carson Youth Opp Fair
Andre Carson Youth Opp Fair2
Andre Carson Youth Opp Fair3
Andre Carson Youth Opp Fair4
Students in our Construction Trades program are working hard at finishing the drywall on the 29th house our students have built. #wccfollowyourpassion #WeAreTheKey
almost 6 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Student standing on a ladder while finishing drywall on the ceiling of the Construction Trades home.
Student standing on a ladder while finishing drywall on the ceiling of the Construction Trades home.
Three students work together to hang drywall in the Construction Trades home.
Students at @SIAJaguars were able to take part in a College & Career fair to help prepare them for the many opportunities that exist at Walker Career Center. #Wearethekey #WCCFollowYourPassion #future
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Business Dept.
Young students learning about Career programs available in high school
Young students learning about Career programs available to them in high school
High school students sharing information on health careers
High school students sharing information on health career courses
‪Welcome @Kevin_m_Jones chairman of Kentucky State Univ School of Ed & Warren’s Brian Simkins (HR)who spoke to Ms. Jordan’s @WCHS_WCC @WCC_FACS Ed Professions class about becoming a teacher and returning to Warren. #WEaretheKEY #wccfollowyourpassion‬
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Kystate stuff
12 outstanding juniors @WCHS_WCC @WCC_WBL are applying for 2019-20 Eli Lilly ACOE Cooperative internship program. Selected students will advance to the interview stage in April. Fingers crossed for these AWESOME students. #FollowYourPassion #WeAretheKey.
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
‪@IndianaFIRST Congrats to @WCHS_WCC Team 829 on their Quality Award today! Great job! #omgrobots #WEareTheKEY #WCCFollowYourPassion ‬
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Quality Award
What are your plans tonight? Join us at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center to see the photographs our students have taken! #WCCFollowYourPassion #WeAreTheKey
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Business Dept.
photography exhibit poster
Congrats to @WCHS_WCC @WCC_FCCLA on Winning Knife Skills and 2nd place in FCCLA! #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYoirPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
WCC Culinary Winners
‪Let the fun begin... ‪@WCHS_WCC @WCC_Threshold @WCC_FACS ‬ Prostart team prepares their best meal before facing the judges, cleaning their kitchen, and heading to get lunch. #wccfollowyourpassion #WEaretheKEY ‬
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Judged while cooking
Entree judges
Clean up
‪(L to R): Avery Jacob, James Napier, Xavier Canning, Kiaora Muhammad and Jerod Willis represent @WCHS_WCC @WCC_Threshold @WCC_FACS @ the 2019 Prostart state competition in Muncie after weeks of hard work. #wccfollowyourpassion #WEaretheKEY ‬
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Getting ready...
Team picture
Good luck to @WCC_threshold at ProStart today! #wearethekey #wccfollowyourpassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Check out this story on @rtv6 about @WCHS_WCC Culinary Arts Program! #WCCFollowYourPassion #WeAreTheKey
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Chef Yount