Warren Central and Walker Career Center teachers are sharing their tips and tricks about how to manage eLearning from home. Mrs. Powers reminds us to get up and move. #Warrenwill share great ideas. @MrsPowersTeach
The regular School Board meeting will be streamed online Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Because gatherings are prohibited, members of the public are invited to live stream the meeting here:
Public comments may be emailed in advance.
Warren Families: PreK-12 Teachers are available Monday - Friday from 9AM to 4PM to answer questions & offer support. You can find staff email addresses /phone numbers on the Warren website. PreK-8 lessons can be found at http://bit.ly/msdwarrenlearnathome 9-12 lessons will be in Canvas.
#WarrenWill do anything to support our students. Math teachers are recording videos, making Canvas assignments, and helping each other with technology! We cannot wait to "see" everyone next week! So proud of our team!!
Way to go Warren! Although we may not be able to see the great things in Warren, they are still happening. Please take a few minutes to enjoy this song written and sung by Ms. Celia Kauth, Counselor from @HawthorneHawks_. #WarrenWill @msdwarren. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11m9rYPJLZI
Warren Families: Please see our Learn at Home / eLearning Information sheet for help answering some of the most frequently asked questions.
![Learn at Home / eLearning Info Sheet](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/807481/large_Parent_One_Pager_Learn_at_Home_Info_Page_1.jpg)
![Learn at Home / eLearning Info sheet](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/807482/large_Parent_One_Pager_Learn_at_Home_Info_Page_2.jpg)
Warren Families: Our food outreach has now adjusted to Tuesday and Friday from 11:00-1:00 at 11 locations. There is also a Wednesday evening food outreach from 5:30-7:00 at 2 locations.
![Food Outreach Flyer - English](https://7dc5f9c302988d43c636-51de7546475c5be082f6be8c068504af.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/live_feed_image/image/805462/large_MSD_Warren_Township_Food_Sharing_Plan_Revised_March_30_PDF_Page_1.jpg)
![Food Outreach Flyer - Spanish](https://7dc5f9c302988d43c636-51de7546475c5be082f6be8c068504af.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/live_feed_image/image/805464/large_MSD_Warren_Township_Food_Sharing_Plan_Revised_March_30_-_Spanish__Page_1.jpg)
Warren Families: If you have needs beyond what is being offered at our food outreach locations, a hotline and email have been created to assist. You can call 317-869-4308 or email MSDWarrenOutreach@warren.k12.in.us w/ your information. Someone from the district will contact you.
Warren Families: If you have questions about Learn at Home Device distribution, lessons, or technology, a hotline and email have been created to assist. You can call 317-608-0545 or email MSDWARRENELEARNING@warren.k12.in.us. Someone from the district will contact you.
To help families connect to the internet, mobile providers have added options for connectivity through their phones.
More info at:
AT&T- http://about.att.com/pages/COVID-19.html …
Verizon- http://verizonwireless.com/support/covid-19-faqs/ …
Sprint- http://sprint.com/en/landings/covid-19.html …
T-Mobile- http://t-mobile.com/brand/ongoing-updates-covid-19#network …
Warren Families: April 6-10 is an important week for Learn at Home / eLearning. This is a planning week for teachers and each K-8 school will be distributing devices starting April 8th. Please visit our website or follow this link bit.ly/MSDWarrenELEARNING for more information.
Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots located in businesses and outdoor locations across the country will be available to ANYONE who needs them for free! For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit hotspots.wifi.xfinity.com/mobile/?nc
You can visit the Indianapolis Public Library's page at: https://www.indypl.org/books-movies-music/download-stream where you can check out e-books, movies, music, and more! No problem if you need a library card, just use this link: https://register.indypl.org/#/cardSignup
Important reminder: Each Friday, additional food will be shared to assist families for the weekend. The 9 locations will continue to offer meals Monday - Friday between 11 am - 1 pm (see image).
![Food Outreach Locations](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/788707/large_1585315538000.jpeg)
See updates and links about home internet access on our website: https://www.warren.k12.in.us/o/msd-of-warren-township/page/warren-wifi
Don't forget to exercise your creative muscles! Art and materials can be anything, anywhere, anytime!
![Creek Art](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/782638/large_IMG_20200322_131815.jpg)
![Creek Art](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/782640/large_IMG_20200323_132736.jpg)
![Creek Art](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/782642/large_IMG_20200323_133251.jpg)
![Creek Art](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/782643/large_IMG_20200323_133256.jpg)
You can take us out of our school but not out of our community. Today we delivered 1400 n95 masks and 700 safety goggles to Community East from our science and @wcc_warren ETE departments. #warrenwill fight COVID-19
![COVID 19](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/780953/large_1584889828000.jpeg)
Communication is more important than ever, we need your thoughts. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the following survey:
English: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5444289/MSD-of-Warren-Township-Communications-Survey-Parents-Caregivers
Spanish: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5496789/MSD-of-Warren-Township-Communications-Survey-Parents-Caregivers-Spanish
Hey seniors, class of 2020, we are on Google Meet right now! Find the link in your email and join us for any questions you might have. #warrenwill stay in touch.
![Google Meet Up](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/776872/large_1584627037000.jpeg)
Please note: MSD Warren Township will livestream a Virtual Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 on Thursday, March 19th at 2:00 PM at: https://www.facebook.com/MSDWarrenTownship/
Please tune in! #WarrenWill
![Town Hall on COVID-19 Graphic](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/775619/large_Town_Hall_Meeting_Graphic.jpg)