Calling All 9th Graders! Here is a great tutoring opportunity for you!
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
9th Grade Tutoring
Today we honor those who served our country. Thank you for the sacrifices you made to provide the freedoms we have today.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
A Salute to our Veterans
College 101 Night will be Thursday, Nov. 14th at Ivy Tech Indianapolis Illinois Fall Creek Center. This is a great opportunity to see what Ivy Tech has to offer. See the image attached for more information.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
College 101
Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day. On the 2019-2020 Warren Township school calendar this day, as in previous years, will not be a school attendance day for students. This is a Professional Development Day for teachers. Again, no school for students tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5, 2019.
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Daylight Saving Time ends on November 3, 2019. Standard time returns this weekend at 2 a.m. Sunday. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday.
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Fall Back DST Ends
It’s a great night for the spooky selections being played at the WCHS Band Pops Concert. #warrenwill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Pops concert
A packed house for Miss Lauren Simmons, an African American former stock trader for Rosenblatt Securities. On March 6, 2017, at age 23, she became the youngest and only current full-time female trader at the New York Stock Exchange. Welcome to WCHS. #warrenwill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Lauren Simmons
Just a reminder, that College Goal Sunday, Indiana’s free FAFSA help event is on Sun. Nov. 3 at locations all around the state. You can visit for the location closest to you and for more information.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Congratulations to Warren Central graduate Ryan Page for being named a Forbes Under 30 Scholar!
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Hope everyone enjoyed their fall break. Looking forward to seeing students and staff tomorrow, Monday, October 21st. Let’s make it a great week!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
WARREN CENTRAL FALL BREAK HOURS: Monday-Friday 8am-2pm (Office closed October 17-18) *School Resumes on October 21st.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
A scheduled Town Hall Meeting: Warren Central HS & Walker Career Center at WCHS on Monday, November 18th, 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Access MSD Warren Township's Strategic Planning Survey links and more information at:
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Town Hall Meeting Dates
Very proud to see the @WCHS_Warriors MCJROTC at the @isbanews / @IAPSS_ORG 70th annual conference. #WarrenWill represent our country and community!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
We couldn’t do it without you Mr. Rodriguez! Thank you for your energy, effort and impact each day in the Warrior Nation! #WarrenWill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
A Rod
We are rockin’ our pink this morning to celebrate PINK WEEK. The WC Dance Crew & Drumline bring the energy as we begin our day. #RealWarriorsWearPink
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Pink Week
AMAZING EDUCATOR ALERT!! Mrs. Jenny Harris is a math teacher at Warren Central, but she is so much more than that. Mrs. Harris is a mentor, supportive colleague, and huge Warrior fan!! Thank you for all you do in the Warrior Nation! #greatteachersmaketheworldgoround #Warrenwill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
J. Harris
Warren Central seniors visit Brookview fourth graders to talk about business ownership.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Seniors visit Brookview
“A passion can turn into a business that you like.” Rita Rhodes shares her story of business ownership with the Brookview Bulldogs.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Businesses at Brookview
Are you looking for employment? MSD Warren Township wants Guest Teachers! Apply at Please see the flyer for additional details! #WarrenWill
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Warren Township Guest Teacher Flyer
Our National Spanish Honor Society stayed after school today to decorate and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School