Good Afternoon Warren students, families, and staff. We have a few important announcements for the week of February 16th.
In an effort to determine the need for internet access for our students, parents and caregivers will be receiving a very short ParentSquare survey starting tomorrow. This one-question survey will help us better understand the access our students have to their online learning materials and to plan for the purchase of Wi-Fi hotspots for future use. Your cooperation in responding to this survey is greatly appreciated.
Speaking of Wi-Fi hotspots, if you are not using your District issued hotspot or no longer need it, please return it to your school so that we can make it available for another student.
MSD Warren Township will be hosting a hiring event next Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. The event is being held at Highlander Park, located at 10502 E. 21st Street. Our transportation team, custodial team, food services team, school police team, as well as our District team, will be onsite for interviews. Please see the flyer below for more details. If you are not able to attend but are interested in joining the Warren team, please visit our Human Resources page on our District website for available positions.
This message is for our current 7th and 8th-grade students and families. Have you enrolled in the 21st Century Scholars Program yet? 21st Century Scholars is an Indiana program designed to cover the cost of four years of college tuition to qualifying students. While you may not be sure of your child's future plans, students must enroll during their 7th or 8th-grade year! I strongly encourage all families to apply, even if you do not think you will need it. To learn more about the program, please join our virtual 21st Century Scholars presentation with Indy Achieves tomorrow, Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 5 p.m. To join the virtual meeting, use this link If you are not able to attend but are interested in learning more, please reach out to your child’s school counselor.
Students and families, did you know that each of our Warren schools offers tutoring services to support students with their academics? If you are interested in tutoring for your child, please contact your child’s teacher or administrator.
In addition, tutoring for K-12 Math, Science, and English is available at Moorhead Community Resource Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Students participating in tutoring should bring their device. Parents and caregivers do not need to stay with their child during the tutoring session. Snacks will be provided and if you have questions, please reach out to MCRC at 317-532-3854.
Please remember that Monday, February 21st is a no school day in observance of President’s Day, and Tuesday, February 22nd is a planned eLearning day for staff professional development. All students need to take home their devices this Friday.
I hope you have a great rest of your week and thank you for your continued investment in Warren students, schools, and staff.