The purpose of the intermediate and middle school counseling center is to provide parents and students with accurate, comprehensive, and relevant information concerning academic achievement and student well-being.
Counselors for the 23-24 school year:
Mrs. LaTeasa Cannon (5th Grade), lcannon@warren.k12.in.us, 317.532.8900 ext. 8910
Mrs. Adrienne Mathews (6th Grade), amathew1@warren.k12.in.us, 317.532.8900 ext. 8909
Ms. Iris Parrish (7th Grade), iparrish1@warren.k12.in.us, 317.532.8900 ext. 6508
Mr. Larry Pierce (8th Grade), lpierce@warren.k12.in.us, 317.532.8900 ext. 8960