Winter break is almost here, but we have a lot to look forward to when we return. We’re gearing up for our upcoming Hospitality & Service Career Day. If you know a business that might be interested in participating, email contact info to:
If you aren’t following WEDM on Instagram you should be! These students are at every event snapping pics and shooting videos! These Advanced students were podcasting this afternoon so it was my turn to take pics!
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker.
Nothin' says lovin' like cookies in the oven! Intro to Culinary class is working on their JoG project, "The Holiday Cookie Exchange!"
WCTV is festive and gearing up for their end of year show. Every morning WCTV brings the important news to our students.
A big thanks goes out to Lance Duke and ProBuild for donating gloves to our Construction Trades program. It will make it a little easier to get this group out in the cold this winter!
It's that time of year and Chelsea Goodlow knows it! She teaches about self-care and coping strategies in her Principles of Human & Social Services classes. She practices it, too!
Healthcare & Business students explored future career opportunities at today’s Career Day. Representatives from more than a dozen local companies and schools shared their time and expertise with our students.
WEDM and WCTV joined together to collect toys this weekend. They are hoping to make this an annual event! If you missed out but would like to donate the QR code will allow you to do that!!
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker.
Education Professions student, Miss Martinez, is enjoying her field experience at Lowell Elementary. It's a Win-Win for all ages!
Did you see the student spotlight on Work Based Learning student Anderson Luu in the latest edition of The Indy Far East magazine?
In Adv. Nutrition & Wellness, Ms. Smith is demonstrating how to incorporate veggies into your breakfast by adding them to mini frittatas. There is more to breakfast than bacon, eggs and cereal!
Accounting students working on cash control. Is the petty cash envelope over or short? Count it up and see!
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker - November 18, 2022
We had a great time showcasing our programs tonight at Walker Career Center! #WalkerShowcase
Senior culinary students are gaining more work experience at The Heirloom event venue in downtown Indianapolis.
Education Profession students lead 4th grade tours through the programs offered at the Walker Career Center. You can visit the programs, too! Join us at the Walker Showcase on Thursday, November 17, 6:00-7:30 pm, enter door 62.
Last week we enjoyed showing the 8th graders all of the programs we offer, this week it’s the 4th graders turn. We’ve had so much fun showcasing our programs. Come on out on Thursday from 6-730 to see what all we have to offer! Enter door 62.
Please check out this week's edition of The Walker Talker - November 11, 2022