Online registration is now open for the current and upcoming school years!
Please read the following information and then follow the steps below to enroll in MSD Warren Township Schools.
Returning students:
Parents/caregivers will need to complete the online registration process for your student's currently assigned school (where they are attending now). Please note that no additional documentation is required if all information is up-to-date with your child's school. If you have moved, proof of residency documentation for your new address is required.
PLEASE NOTE: After completing the Online Registration for your student’s current school, if your student wishes to request a different school for next year, contact your currently assigned school to initiate a request to change schools. For example, if your child attends Warren Online Academy for the 2024-2025 school year and wishes to return to in-person learning at Warren Central next year, please register online for their current school (ex. Warren Online Academy). Upon completing the online registration for 2025-2026 , you will need to contact your current school (ex. Warren Online Academy) to request a change of schools for next year.
Returning students who live outside of District boundaries:
If your student has already been approved as an out-of-district student, they are considered a returning student and therefore you are not required to submit a new out-of-district application. As a returning student, please complete the 2025-2026 online registration process to verify all information is up-to-date with your child's school. If you have moved, proof of residency documentation for your new address is required.
New students who live within District boundaries:
Parents/caregivers will need to be aware of their student’s assigned school during the enrollment process. To determine the school your child will attend, expand Step 1 and follow the directions.
New students who live outside of District boundaries:
Please see Additional Information below for Out of District Enrollment information.
If you have a ParentVUE account but have forgotten your username or password, please follow the guide below. Using the email address associated with your account, the reminder email will include your username and a link to reset your password.
If you are new to Warren, completing the Online Registration process will also create your ParentVUE account.