April 29 Superintendent Update Graphic

April 29, 2020

Good Afternoon Warren Students, Families, and Staff, 

I would like to thank students, teachers, and parents for your positive and constructive feedback. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps us make adjustments to our Learn at Home and eLearning plans. Parents, I encourage you to talk with your student's teacher with any questions or concerns you might have. Although we cannot replicate school, it is our goal to make this the best experience possible for our students. 

We will host our third live interactive Zoom webinar on Thursday, April 30th, at 7PM. This week's webinar will focus on supporting parents and caregivers with technology and other Learn at Home and eLearning needs. The link for the webinar is bit.ly/warrenwebinar430

In response to a change in participation numbers, we will be making a couple of adjustments to our food outreach program starting the week of May 4th. We will continue on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11-1 at 11 locations. Renaissance School, located at 30th and Post Road will be a new site and will replace Hawthorne Elementary.  Wednesdays will continue to be 5:30 - 7 at 2 locations. Lakeside Elementary and now our Moorhead location at 8400 East Tenth Street will be a new site. Because there is a need for a refrigerated space, we could no longer use Post Road Christian Church. I want to thank Post Road Christian Church for their partnership with our food outreach program. If you have needs beyond what is being offered, please call or email our hotline at 317-869-4308 or MSDWarrenOutreach@warren.k12.in.us

Our Class of 2020 graduation planning committee met again this week to discuss alternatives to celebrate and recognize the class of 2020. The committee created 4 phases of recognition. More information on the 4 Phases will be shared with students and families on Tuesday, May 5th when students pick up their cap and gown. The Indiana Department of Education provided additional guidance this week that all schools are closed and all school's activities are cancelled until June 30th due to the Governor's April 2nd executive order. We will operate under this guidance until it expires or if the Governor reduces these restrictions. 

We are excited to begin registering our Preschool and Kindergarten Class of 2033! Our Kindergarten teachers and principals will host a virtual meeting on Monday, May 4th at 7PM. Please visit bit.ly/msdwarrenkindergarten to participate.

Be safe everyone and remember that we are all in this together! 

Dr. Tim Hanson, Superintendent of Schools for MSD Warren Township  

Additional Information:

A reminder that we are assessing our families' access to reliable internet. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at bit.ly/MSDWTECHSURVEY

A reminder that teachers in all grade levels are available Monday thru Friday from 9-4. If you have questions regarding Learn at Home or eLearning, please contact your child's teacher or use the hotline number 317-608-0545 or email MSDWarrenELearning@warren.k12.in.us.

Please view the following video for more information on our outstanding Preschool and Kindergarten programs. https://youtu.be/Lx7ttYQgh3A

The Census Questionnaire plays an important role in determining funding for our schools, hospitals, roads and other resources for our community. Please complete your census online at 2020Census.gov.